Homework & Extra-curricular
Homework at Southfields
Year 7 & 8 40 minutes of homework every evening (2 subjects x 20 minutes) & 10 minutes+ reading.
Year 9 1 hour of homework every evening (2 x 30 minutes) & 15 minutes+ reading.
Foundation subjects set homework fortnightly.
Core subjects set homework weekly.
Class teachers set and collect homework on a day of their choice.
Students write their homework in and complete it, on the designated day for that subject.
Tutors will direct students to write in subjects in advance during tutor time.
e.g. The maths teacher sets and collects a homework on a Tuesday, the student writes it into the diary in the Wednesday space and completes it on Wednesday evening.
Frequency of homework
Designation of Weeks is Week A and Week B, these are alternate and your child will have this information in their homework planner.
Year 7 Homework Timetable
Year 8 Homework Timetable
Year 9 Homework Timetable
Extra-curricular activities
Many clubs and societies are organised for the benefit of our students. They are intended to provide opportunities for students to extend their academic skills, develop socially and have fun! The following timetables give an indication of the variety of activities students can become involved in after school. These timetables are changed termly, and you will be able to download them below. There are no charges made for any clubs that take place on site before and after school. There may from time to time be requests for some items to be provided by you for creative and cookery based activities.
Please download a copy of the relevant Extra-curricular clubs list at the bottom of this page.
Trips and Visits
Students go on many department and year group trips, check back for updates here.